Josephson penetration depth

In superconductivity, Josephson penetration depth characterizes the typical length on which an externally-applied magnetic field penetrates into the long Josephson junction. Josephson penetration depth is usually denoted as \lambda_J and is given by the following expression (in SI):

\lambda_J=\sqrt{\frac{\Phi_0}{2\pi\mu_0 d' j_c}},

where \Phi_0 is the magnetic flux quantum, j_c is the critical current density \mathrm{(A/cm^2)}, and d' characterizes the inductance of the superconducting electrodes

  %2B\lambda_1 \coth\left(\frac{d_1}{\lambda_1}\right)
  %2B\lambda_2 \coth\left(\frac{d_2}{\lambda_2}\right),

where d_I is the thickness of the Josephson barrier (usually insulator), d_{1,2} are the thicknesses of superconducting electrodes, and \lambda_{1,2} are their London penetration depths.